Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sending Love to my friends Sarah & Matt Mitchell!

I've known Sarah and Matt for a very long time and both are amazing people!  They recently added a beautiful baby boy, Kellen, to their family and had the opportunity to experience parent hood after many prior attempts of adoption.  They have just in the past couple weeks been told the father has been confirmed for Kellen and he is taking his son back.   I cannot imagine the feelings they are going through right now....I want to send all my love to them and let them know how close they are to my heart!  Matt & Sarah - I know the courage and passion inside you will lead you in the right direction....Stay strong!

"Never let the odds keep you from doing what you know in your heart you were meant to do."
~ H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

I love you guys! 

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Caterpillar Eyebrows...

So I know I have mentioned to many of you how thick my eyebrows use to be...well here is the proof!  This was a picture from the summer before the 8th grade.....wholey crap they were thick!!!

Thought you guys could use a giggle...I know I laughed when I saw it :-)

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


Have you ever wondered why you ended up where you're at in life? Me too!  Then I remembered that life is meant to be a journey! Not knowing exactly where you end up and how you will get there makes it exciting, challenging and rewarding.  As much as you plan or organize things for the future it never turns out exactly the way you pictured it.  So remember to take some chances...

I wake up to the most amazing sun rises and realize how great it is to be alive, healthy and have all the wonderful family members and friends in my life who care about me.  I appreciate and care for all of them just as much if not more.   I hope to continue to experience new situations and keep meeting great people!  Everything you encounter makes you who you are today!